Grace, Grief & Gratitude

5-week Virtual Group Grief Support Program

Group Grief Support Program

Grace, Grief, and Gratitude is a 5-week, virtual curriculum-based support group open to women who have experienced a loss.

Adapted from the highly sought-after grief support program, Facing The Mourning, our 5-week program includes additional Group Coaching at the end of each weekly session.

Our interactive support group helps with the grieving process by using visual and thought provoking tools.

During these five virtual sessions, the participants recognize grief-associated emotions, share their stories, build memorials, compose letters, write in journals, and develop goals with milestones.

The 5-week group is led by a facilitator trained in Facing the Mourning curriculum.

What Participants Will Receive

Before the first meeting participants will receive:

  • one manual (that details each week), and
  • one “I Miss You” guided grief journal.
Each week, participants are invited to try different hands-on ways to work with their grief.

Week One: Recognizing Emotions Associated with Grief & Self-Care
Taking the time to recognize the emotions associated with grief can be empowering.

Week Two: Building Memorials
Learn how to honor your loved one by building memorials.

Week Three: Letter Writing
Write a letter to someone or something to share more about your loss, experiences, and person.

Week Four: Journaling
Discover your journaling style and how this can help you reflect on your experiences and
progress through your grief journey.

Week Five: Goal Setting with Milestones
Learn how to set goals with milestones to help track progress toward a goal you set in exploring
life moving forward while honoring your grief.

What To Do Next?

If you’re interested in discussing the program and determining whether we’re a good fit, 

please schedule a free 30-minute introductory virtual meeting.

Congratulations on taking the next step in moving yourself
forward towards achieving your goals!

International Coaching Federation (ICF) Ethical Standards

We abide by the highest ethical standards in coaching prescribed by the ICF. You are encouraged to review the ICF Code of Ethics to learn more about roles, responsibilities, conduct, and expectations between coach and client.

Frequently Asked Questions

The facilitator is a Certified Master Life Coach trained to facilitate Facing the Mourning Grief Support Programs. Additionally, the facilitator is a bestselling published author, noted speaker, and entrepreneur and has led teams and programs as a senior federal employee for over 18 years in career/workforce development and leader development.
A maximum of 8 participants are permitted into the grief support group.
Each session is 1.5 hours—one hour for the Grief Support Program and 30 minutes of Group Coaching.
While we understand that life happens, we strongly suggest that you attend each session to achieve the maximum benefit.
At this time, we do not conduct in-person sessions.